American culture is drowning in superheroes. It would seem that 1 out of every 3 movies is a superhero movie. Why? I think we know that it’s going to take more then mere mortals to get us out of the mess we are in. We often lift up guys like Bill Gates and Elon Musk as potential saviors. Our real life “Iron Man” as Musk has been called. We need help. We need people who aren’t ripped apart by bullets and that don’t fall into the typical trappings of wealth and power.
Humans are constantly confronted with our limitations. People around us get sick and die. We read about problems that seem completely unsolvable. We vainly throw posts out on Facebook hoping to trigger some sort of grass roots movement that will change the world. And boy oh boy do we cope. Chocolate, exercise, video games, sex, Netflix.. and back to movies about people or even demi-gods that have the ability to do what we can’t.. save the world.. or at least make a small part of it better.
In the context of “Rebuilding God” this will probably mean that humanity will get to a point that we’ll be willing to try anything to have a savior. Even if that means flipping a switch on the creation of a homemade god. Imagine a “human” that can know everything.. that can live thousands of years.. that can connect all the dots and solve all the hardest problems. Sure, it may wipe us out in the process.. but hopefully not. Maybe.