AI Eternity God

AI will do what we ask it to (and that is bad)

‘Powerful artificial intelligence is like the proverbial genie in a bottle. A seemingly innocent wish — “make my home eco-friendly” — can lead to unintended consequences.’

Perhaps this is why many prayers go unanswered.. at least in the way we want them too. It reminds me of when the ancient Israelites asked for a king “like the other nations”. After a stern warning from God about how that was going to turn out for them.. they asked anyway. And God said, “Give the people what they want”… and of course it was a disaster for them.

How many people have asked for fame and riches only to be destroyed by them? Why would having an all powerful AI “genie” be any different? Cure all the diseases? Death by over population and war. Infinite life can easily be an infinite hell.