
Endless Creation Out of Nothing

The subhead gives away a lot: “Could our universe have been an experiment by an ancient civilization?”. That’s not creation “out of nothing”… that’s just kicking the creation can down the road.

What the author seems to be saying is that it’s potentially possible to create universes “artificially”. Okay.

Also, there is no such thing as “nothing”, at least not in space because seemingly empty space always has “something” in it. Okay.


1 reply on “Endless Creation Out of Nothing”

Reminds me of Francis Crick, well known for his animosity to Christianity, developed or promoted the idea of panspermia where life originated in another place in the universe and was placed here by intelligent beings or hitched a ride on a comet or something. Easier for him and for many others to attribute life and intelligence to some unknown cause rather than the traditional cause–God. Similarly, most physicalists hate the Big Bang as opposed to a steady state or eternally existing universe. The idea of a wormhole or birth canal from another world solves at least two problems. It returns us to the idea of eternal cosmos and explains how life and intelligence could emerge. As you point out, one of the problems is defining what “nothing” is. Ethan Siegel does a great job of exploring the idea of creation out of nothing from an atheistic, physicalist perspective:

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