

Most scientists disagree about when it’s going to happen.. but they all agree it will: There will an intelligence explosion. At some point in our future (10-50 years) computers will get to the point where they can improve themselves.. and then improve themselves faster.. and faster. So, what happens then? Does that mean they’ll take over the world? Will they solve all of our problems? Our culture is rife with Terminator-style scenarios where they quickly crush us or enslave us (The Matrix). It’s easy to laugh off and carry on with the ho-hum of life, but I think there is an opportunity here to have a discussion. What does this mean for us as humans? Were we just a brief stop on evolution’s inevitable path? Do we become gods ourselves? What does this mean for God and/or gods? Is this an opportunity or the end of all things “human”? Also, if this is possible.. isn’t is a bit naive to assume it hasn’t happened already?