
Proof of God playing dice

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The takeaway for me here is that “uncertainty” is baked into the Universe’s operating system. It’s fundamental to the existence of everything. Why and how? How can seeming randomness be a part of the Universe?

2 replies on “Proof of God playing dice”

The question I always have with indeterminancy or random chance is how do they know that it is really random or controlled in some way? The way we determine whether something is random, like dice, is to observe any pattern or “coincidence.” If 6s turn up too often, we know that something is wrong with the dice and it is not truly random. Yet, those who insist on chance do not see in fine tuning anything other than the most remarkable coincidence. This is completely logically inconsistence. Refusal to see a pattern when a pattern is clearly evident shows remarkable bias in observing the evidence. I contend that God can affect the outcome of an unlimited of things through the apparent randomness we observe and we would not be able to detect the difference. Does it make a difference if the wave function collapse occurs here vs there? Or that the spin is this way and not that? All random unless it is not.

Pi has been calculated to the quadrillionith digit but how do we really know it’s random? Is there ever a way to really know? Developers use random number generators all the time. Does that mean all their code is random? No, sometimes you need a “seed” to introduce variability and the appearance of randomness. It also doesn’t explain what generates randomness. Pi is a “constant”.. in that an infinite number of people can calculate Pi and get the exact same infinite number of numbers. Why? Why? Why?

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