
Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks there’s a ‘very high’ chance the universe is just a simulation

“And if that’s the case, it is easy for me to imagine that everything in our lives is just the creation of some other entity for their entertainment,” Tyson says. “I’m saying, the day we learn that it is true, I will be the only one in the room saying, ‘I’m not surprised.'”

1 reply on “Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks there’s a ‘very high’ chance the universe is just a simulation”

So “entertaining” reading this. First, while physicists like Brian Cox try to forbid non-scientists from doing any metaphysical speculating, physicists like Cox and Tyson speculate away, veering far into metaphysics all the way into theology, which this is. Secondly, if this higher order being is doing this why suggest it is for it’s “entertainment.” Tyson seems to be missing the point obvious to the vast majority of humans throughout history which is that the mere existence of humans as conscious spiritual beings suggests that the motives go far beyond entertainment into something we believers like to call “love.” Finally, at what point are these scientists doing this kind of simulation talk going to just come out and say, well, yes, I suppose we are talking about God.

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